As we all know by now, there is a lot of speculation (not as much as about Lloyd Carr it seems, though) about this handsome fellow becoming the next head coach of our beloved Syracuse Orange Football squad.
So far, a lot of fans have cited a lot of reasons for and against the idea of bringing in Lane Kiffin mid-season. There are a MILLION reasons for it. However, just like everything else, Greg Robinson has to go ruin it all and give us a ton of reasons NOT to do it... at mid-season, or even at all.
Reason to: He's not Greg Robinson. That's probably the reason causing the Orange faithful to drool over such a candidate. Our salivating is probably currently caused by either: The awful taste of an 8-32 record, or the bloody wounds of an injured jack(ass)rabbit that is Gregory Robinson. And lets face it, most of us at this point would rather have a week-to-week raffle to decide the head coach.
Reason NOT to: Lane is a "west-coast" guy, just like Greg Robinson. Greg Robinson, who at one point openly told reporters he'd be out-recruiting Greg Sciano at Rutgers in no time, had no ties to the East coast and therefore found it hard to recruit... or he didn't find out at all since the FOUR commits we have for next season make it seem like he didn't even try. Greg Robinson's recruiting may be the only thing almost as bad as his coaching. Judging Lane is from a similar area with limited, if any, ties to the area... not good
Reason to: Lane Kiffin is young. He's only 32 years old. He can relate to young players and coach with an attitude that better suits a young, inexperience team.
Reason NOT to: Lane Kiffin is TOO young. He's only 32 years old and has limited head coaching experience. Which leads us to another....
Reason to: He has SOME head coaching experience. Greg Robinson had NONE.
Another Reason to: Great recruiter. He oversaw many great recruiting classes at USC.
Reason NOT to: USC is NOT Syracuse. USC pretty much recruits itself, especially lately. The Trojans have restored themselves as the best college football program currently running, and their success does not go unnoticed... neither does G-Rob's non-success.
Reason NOT to: He's the only real candidate out there right now. Rushing to hire a guy just because he's available is not a very good reason. He has no ties to the university, to the area, or to any of the players on the current team. People might expect immediate success, and at this point that's just not possible.
Reason to: He may be the best candidate out there, even at the end of the season. A lot can happen between now and then, but Lane's resume is almost too good to pass up. It's too good to pass up, especially when we could have a leg up on everyone else.
Reason NOT to: Greg Robinson is still the head coach. Wait... no, that's a good reason to hire Lane Kiffin. or anyone for that matter. We all know it. Greg Robinson needs to be fired, and he needs to be fired now. When you have ESPN doing countless (2) pieces about the "steep fall of the program," it really can't get any worse (cross your fingers because G-Rob has a way of proving that wrong ALL THE TIME).
Honestly, it's probably safe to say most Syracuse fans are on the fence about this matter. On one hand, its a great idea. On the other, waiting until more candidates with stronger ties to the area may be a better option to take, even if it means forfeiting to the inevitable fact of 1 win on the season.
Still, this whole situation has presented itself as the "quick fix" Orange fans have been looking for. it's almost like the football gods are teasing us... waiting for us to A) Redeem ourselves by letting go of the antichrist of college coaching, or B) Screw up completely, hire another west-coast guy highly recommended by Pete Carrol, and subject ourselves to an eternity in college football hell. No matter what happens, I don't think we can wait much longer to make some sort of significant change.
But, First thing's first.
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