Tommy Bowden was releived of his coaching duties this morning by Clemson.

Clemson, who was supposed to compete for an ACC title in Bowden's tenth season, was 3-3 and coming off a loss to Wake Forest.
Most surprising to me about this story, however, is Clemson QB Cullen Harper's (and his father's) comments concerning the firing.
"It's what he deserved."
"I'd call it karma," (Cullen's Father said) "I thought it needed to be done. I think anytime a head coach or someone in a leadership position starts to place blame on his coaches and players, it weakens their respect on the team. His past experiences have shown he's done that."
Wouldn't you know it, Harper was benched after the loss to Wake this past week in favor of Freshman QB Willy Korn. So, you know, he, nor his father, sound like a couple of bitter biscuits.
There are a couple of reasons this story is relevant to Syracuse football. First, the obvious one is that Bowden will no doubt be speculated as a candidate for the head coaching job that is going to open up at Syracuse sometime between now and the end of the season. It's inevitable, he's going to be mentioned quite a bit around Syracuse for at least the next few weeks, and probably the next few months.
Second, this helps us all further push the question: HOW COME GREG ROBINSON HASN'T BEEN FIRED YET?
Clemson is 3-3. One of their losses is to 2nd ranked Alabama, another to 21st ranked Wake Forest on the road. My, my, how I would like to tell Clemson fans how good they have it right now. In fact, their program is very comparable to Syracuse's at the end of the Coach P era. Probably not at this point, but if you look at the two programs on the surface they are both in inferior conferences where their success is often overlooked in the scramble for everyone to "succeed" by going 10-1 and going to a BCS bowl game.
Bowden led Clemson to 8 bowl games in 9 (full) seasons. Greg Robinson has won 8 TOTAL GAMES in 3 and a half seasons at Syracuse!
How in the WORLD does Greg Robinson still have his job? Justification was that firing Robinson would show "panic" in the program. Well Bowden is gone... and as far as I know there isn't any out-of-hand rioting on the Clemson campus. Death Valley hasn't imploded under a wave of civil unrest because the head coach is being removed. So if that's not happening at a place where it was questionable whether or not to fire the coach... why would it happen at Syracuse? Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE wants to see Greg Robinson gone ASAP.
If Bowden had to go... Greggers certainly MUST.